Gregore (character)

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Titles: “Protector of the Lowlands”, “Defender of Osmail Mark”
Player: William Altman + Keigan Craig
Created: 2009
System(s): Incarna 2.1
Locations: Gladnor-Steel Realms(current)
Status: ?
Concept: Razor witted merc with a mischeivious disposition

Aptitude: Kinetic 4


MUS 6 (+1 CS)

STA 6 (+1 CS)











APP 2 (-2; boiled skin; flakes off, “pizza face” – CHAOS RING)

Size 10


Good Luck, Equipment, Upbringing: Urban, Toughness 2, Natural Armor (2), Magic Resistance 1 (CHAOS RING)


Combat: Melee 3+1, Evade 2, Fend 2, Propel 2, Shoot 2

Tactics: Personal (2) [Must be > Team Tactics] 1 initiative/1 resist knock back

Tactics: Team (1)

Misc: Speak Gladnorian 4, Lore: [locale] 1, Streetwise 2, Ride 1, Climb 1+1, Jump 1+1, Swim 1+1, stealth 1, camouflage 1, familiarity: swords, familiarity: knives, Craft: Mason 1


Familiarity: Mace, Sword, Knives, Shields, Spear, Crossbows

Size = 10; Health 10*5=50+12=62


Armor: Leather (30 enc; 8/60)

Shield: Small/Light Wooden (23 enc;+1 CS block)

Weapons: light crossbow (10 damage+AP/1 CS ease) w/12 bolts, light mace (8 dmg/3 AM/1 CS ease), dagger (4 dmg/2 AM/1 CS ease), short sword (8 dmg/3 AM), spear (8 dmg/3 AM/1 CS ease)


Dream 1 in 9163, Month 10: The familiar hands of your father work in the dark, laying mortar and brink. Brick after brick… the familiar smell of his craft fills the air. You remember the rough feel of his hand when you held his and the strength as he would sit you in a single palm and lift you above his head.

Dream #2: Tirelessly, brick by brick the wall is built.

Gregore had an uneventful childhood in the city of Dunstrand. His father Daniel was a stone mason, and he went to war against Umbak with his father who was drafted to serve in the retinue of Linnis Faer, the nephew to the Duke and next in line as Count of Faer. His father was killed in a raid by Umbakians while on engagement south of a back water called Bar-Innis. The Southron Dells are a contested area between Dunstrand and Umbak – he had to bury his gather in a land that he may not even be able to return to. He did not return home with the army, instead began wandering south of Dunstrand. He took to banditry a few times against the Umbakians, and eventually learned his skills as a mercenary guarding caravans in Umbak, Fandelok and Dunstrand. He returned to his native Dunstrand and was making his way north to the Merchant Cities when he was embroiled in the affairs at Events at the Armatrath Estate… the home to Lord Thostle.

The group seems interesting to say the least. Since his service as a mercenary he has become one of the group. He is not sure how he feels about that yet, as they seem to be targets for many a foe. Gergore’s motivations are pretty straight forward – the least amount of effort for the most amount of gain. He wants to make his fortune, settle in a comfortable lodge on a small piece of land and live out his days without care or worry… though his experiences in the battle for the Lowlands of Bar-Innis has made him realize how vulnerable retired adventurers might be – perhaps something larger is in order: titles, big city, protection.